Tuesday's forecast was for snow, which was just wonderful because Tuesday was also the day our worldly goods were due to arrive by truck. "Can't you get them to put it off 'til tomorrow?" I asked Farmer Wan. "Nay," he replied, in a style reminiscent of Tenacious D and assorted people from antiquity, "They're loading up the truck right now." So we waited for both snow and truck, wondering which one would get here first, and amused ourselves by watching our flying dog. Predictably, the weather and the chattels arrived at the same time. Farmer Wan got to stand outside, directing the guys where to put the hundreds of boxes. I made coffee and baked them a fruit loaf. Overall, I think they liked me more. Thirty more boxes arrived yesterday, having passed their MAF (Ministry of Ag & Fish) inspection. When the truck pulled away, Farmer Wan was seen to be tearing out his hair and mumbling brokenly about "too much stuff". Having spent the last four days unpacking and sorting JUST the kitchen, I'm inclined to agree.
If you're wondering when the interesting permaculture, farming-type stuff is going to feature, fear not. It's a-comin'... as soon as I can work out where to stash that box full of food containers. Posted by Farmer Nik
So we're fifteen days into the Living of the Dream. Outside, it's dark and pouring with rain -- the first since our arrival. The weather thingy on the post by the house says it's a balmy 4degC. Farmer Wan is chopping wood in the shed.
I still can't quite believe that this is our life now. We're not going to pack our suitcases, lock up Muntanui and fly back to Western Australia for another four-month swing. We won't be returning to our jobs or earning regular money for a while. Suddenly, that $20 salami in the shopping trolley is a lot harder to justify. I guess we'll just have to learn how to make our own. In the five months since we were last here, bunnies have been marauding through our vegie garden (despite the rabbit-proof fencing), one of our Egremont Russet apple trees has developed canker and most of our spring bulbs have mysteriously disappeared. We've basically hit the ground running but it's the sort of work we've been waiting two years to throw ourselves into. Our impressions so far: loving it! Stick around and see how we do. Posted by Farmer Nik |
About Ewan and NikiFarmer WanScottish mechanical engineer with a deep and abiding passion for good food. Outstanding cook. Builder of lots of stuff. Cattle whisperer. Connoisseur of beer. A lover rather than a fighter. Farmer NikKiwi writer and broadcaster who hates cabbage, even though she knows it's good for her. Chook wrangler. Grower of food and flowers. Maker of fine preserves. Lover of dancing and wine. Definitely a fighter. Archives
November 2016