We've had a rocky night here at Muntanui but we are both OK.
Woken with the bed rolling around by 7.5 magnitude earthquake, centred near Hanmer Springs at 12:02am this morning. Both jumped out of bed as things started falling off shelves. It was by far the longest and most violent earthquake either of us have ever felt, seemed to go on for ages. Lots of aftershocks, still happening this morning after a mostly sleepless night. No work for me today, apparently severe damage to the winery where I have been working. Hope all family here in NZ are OK. Posted by Farmer Wan
About Ewan and NikiFarmer WanScottish mechanical engineer with a deep and abiding passion for good food. Outstanding cook. Builder of lots of stuff. Cattle whisperer. Connoisseur of beer. A lover rather than a fighter. Farmer NikKiwi writer and broadcaster who hates cabbage, even though she knows it's good for her. Chook wrangler. Grower of food and flowers. Maker of fine preserves. Lover of dancing and wine. Definitely a fighter. Archives
November 2016