After almost two years of making do without help from enormous, fossil fuel-guzzling pieces of equipment, we recently bowed to the inevitable and acquired a tractor.
It goes against my permaculture sensibilities, I admit, but the bottom line is that Muntanui is a 25-hectare (61 acre) property -- smaller than your average farm but a lot bigger than your average lifestyle block. If we're ever going to tackle big projects like regenerating our pasture, we'll need a lot of help. Neither of us has experience with draft horses and/or bullock teams and we don't have time to learn. Enter THE MUNTANISER. A beast of a thing, isn't it? It arrived on the same day I flew down to Christchurch, ostensibly to spend time with my sister-in-law and niece but in reality to infect everyone inside a 10-kilometre radius with the worst sore throat in the entire history of throats. Farmer Wan would dutifully ring me at least once a day and I'd do my best to communicate with clicks and whistles and the occasional shriek. I needn't have bothered, really, because the conversation generally went like this: FARMER WAN: How are you? FARMER NIK: (struggling to make a sound) FARMER WAN: I started it up today and sat in the cab while it was running. FARMER NIK: (fizzing noise) Or this, from Day Seven: FARMER WAN: How are you? FARMER NIK: (croaks) FARMER WAN: Today I drove it down the driveway and then I turned it around and drove it back. FARMER NIK: (gulping sounds) It's almost embarrassing, the depth of his infatuation with this monstrosity, but I can live with it because I know it will make his work a heck of a lot easier, Muntanui will benefit and we'll both be happy as a result. That means more to me than anything the Permaculture Police might have to say on the subject. So, roll on spring! Release THE MUNTANISER! New, improved pasture, here we come! Posted by Farmer Nik
jan thomson
29/6/2013 09:44:02 am
OOOOOOHHHHHHH!When can I have a go?
Farmer Nik
30/6/2013 02:27:00 am
Any time you like, darlin'!
6/7/2013 12:28:46 pm
Ha hope you've been brave enough to actually put it to work Ewan! And Niki I think your sore throat bug made it too Perth too, now that's a record!
9/7/2013 02:44:55 am
Hi Justin, not done much yet other than move heavy things around the place. The ground is too soft still to take it into the paddocks, I'd just make a right mess.
7/7/2013 05:52:53 am
That looks like fun! Sure you cn do lots of damage with a toy like this. Best to opperate it sober though ...........
8/7/2013 04:22:34 am
What a blue beast kids,
9/7/2013 02:49:39 am
It does have a radio, but we don't get any reception up here in the mountains - there's even a cassette player (that doesn't work). Come and visit and you can have a go. Too soggy out there for swale dugging yet. Hope island life is good.
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About Ewan and NikiFarmer WanScottish mechanical engineer with a deep and abiding passion for good food. Outstanding cook. Builder of lots of stuff. Cattle whisperer. Connoisseur of beer. A lover rather than a fighter. Farmer NikKiwi writer and broadcaster who hates cabbage, even though she knows it's good for her. Chook wrangler. Grower of food and flowers. Maker of fine preserves. Lover of dancing and wine. Definitely a fighter. Archives
November 2016